Acquisto sculture e opere dello scultore Claudio Botta

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Sei un appassionato di arte e sei interessato all’acquisto di sculture, dipinti, disegni dell’artista? Sei nel posto giusto! Offriamo un servizio specializzato per l’acquisto immediato di quadri di Claudio Botta , uno dei più celebri scultori contemporanei. Forniamo valutazioni, stime, prezzi e valori attuali.

Biografia di Claudio Botta

Claudio Botta was an Italian sculptor and painter born on May 5, 1891, in Manerbio, Italy. He was the son of Battista Botta and Maria Martinelli. From the age of 10 to 14, he worked as an apprentice in a delicatessen, and from 14 to 18, he joined his father in New York, where he tried various jobs without learning any of them. In 1909, he returned to Italy and settled in Brescia, where he worked during the day at the Piccola Velocità station and studied drawing and sculpture in the evening as a self-taught artist. After a few years, he managed to enter the workshop of the sculptor Achille Regosa, dedicating himself more consistently to art but living "on bills, passion, and sacrifice." He then moved to Milan for a few years, where he lived as a bohemian, selling his statuettes on the street. Botta's first work during this period was the Piccolo Belgio, followed by the Bimba dormiente and the busts of bishops Giacomo Maria Corna Pellegrini Spandre and Giacinto Gaggia. After World War I, he won the competition for the realization of the bust of Cesare Battisti to be placed at the foot of the Castle of Brescia, a competition that was later canceled, repeated, and won again by him. He received the first prize for the best work at the Sindacato exhibition in Brescia, the second prize in the national competition for the monument to Guglielmo Oberdan, and the second prize in the competition for the monument to Edmondo De Amicis in Imperia. He was fifth in the competition for the Redentore of Bienno. Botta was also a painter, and his works are displayed in various museums, including the Pinacoteca di Brera, where the Monumento a Giuseppe Bossi is located. He participated in four Venice Biennials: 1924 (1 sculpture), 1926 (1 sculpture), 1928 (1 sculpture), and 1936 (1 sculpture). He was also present with his works at the national exhibitions of Rome, Naples, and Turin. In 1927, he ordered a personal exhibition at the Bottega D'Arte in Brescia, presenting 32 sculptures and 25 paintings. In conclusion, Claudio Botta was a talented Italian sculptor and painter who made significant contributions to the world of art. Despite his humble beginnings, he managed to become a successful artist, winning several competitions and exhibiting his works in various museums and exhibitions. His works continue to be appreciated and studied today, and he remains an important figure in Italian art history.

Il Valore dei quadri di Claudio Botta

Le sculture dell'artista Claudio Botta sono altamente considerate nell’ambito dell’arte moderna e del Ottocento italiano. La loro importanza storica e il loro contributo all’evoluzione dell’arte le rendono molto desiderate dai collezionisti e dagli amanti dell’arte. Il valore delle sue opere può variare notevolmente in base alla dimensione, alla complessità dell’opera e alla sua provenienza.

Valutazioni gratuite delle Opere

Offriamo servizi di valutazione professionale per sculture, quadri, disegni, acquarelli di Claudio Botta. I nostri esperti qualificati esamineranno attentamente l’opera d’arte e utilizzeranno il loro know-how per determinare il suo valore attuale sul mercato.

Acquisto Immediato di quadri del pittore Claudio Botta

Siamo specializzati nell’acquisto immediato delle opere del pittore. Se possiedi un’opera dell’artista che desideri vendere, siamo pronti a fare un’offerta competitiva per l’acquisto, con pagamento immediato. Facilitiamo il processo di vendita per rendere l’esperienza comoda e veloce per i nostri clienti. Forniamo stime, prezzi, quotazioni e valutazioni gratuite.


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